
psgl computer Center

COM PUTER CENTER        . Introduction : Computer Centre IIT Bombay  provides various IT services and facilities to Students, Staff, and Faculty Members. sThe services include Email, Web Browsing, File Storage, High-performance computing (HPC), VPN, etc. Most of the services are based on your  LDAP-ID  and password .  It is suggested to use these facilities responsibly for your and IITB's security. The following information will be useful to you for accessing LDAP login and password: LDAP Details Your initial password is your date of birth in DDMMYYYY format. For example if your birth-date is January 30, 1996 your password will be 30011996. If for some reason your initial password does not work, your Department Sysad will help you fix it. Change your initial LDAP password: It is mandatory to change your initial LDAP password. To change your initial LDAP password, kindly visit the following URLs and log in with your initial credentials, and then you will get an option to change the